Thron of Plant This is what I call a sticky bush. The sharp pointed tips of the leaves on this bush are used to protect it from herbivores.
Monocot Flower and Leaf
This is a monocot flower and its leaves. the leaves have parallel viens and the flowers usually have three petals.
This plant is a frond. As you see the leaves are divided which is the main characteristic of a frond. This plant mybe small now but it will get bigger.
Deciduous Leaf
This leaf is from a tree that sheds or changes it leaf color seasonally and it is known as a deciduous leaf.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Dicot Flower and Leaf This is a dicot flower. Dicot flowers have net like viens on the leaves and they usually have 4 to 5 petals.
If you look closely you can see a grasshopper on the stem of a plant. A grasshopper has a exoskeleton, segmented body, jointed appendages, and they are invertebrates. Such organisms are called arthropods.
The spots in this old dog bowl is green algae which is known to grow in water. Green algae can also produce oxygen. Another name for it is chlorophyte.
My backyard is where my dog lives. He has open space, food, and water which are necesseties that he need in order to live. This is called his niche.
My dog Spunky generates his own heat to keep his body temperature which makes him an endotherm organism.
Wood stem
This is a hedge bush and they have wooden stems, which uses xylem a type of transport tissue to transport water.
This is a picture of a mushroom which is apart of a large group of fungi where spores are produced on the basidia (spore producing structure).
Anther and Filament of Flower
The yellow part the flower is where pollen is produced and it's called the anther and the thin stalk that supports the anther is called the filament.
Moss as you see on the tree trunk is a plant that lacks a vascular system which helps transport water in plants. Its known as a nonvascular plant or bryophyte.
Gymnosperm cone
This cone is from a pine tree. It's from a tree in which the seeds are not from an ovule.